Category: Cooperations

  • svomp


    dem grössten Vertreter der Muskuloskelettalen Physiotherapie in der Schweiz und dem einzigen Verband für Manualtherapeut:innen mit internationaler Anerkennung

  • IMTT


    It is a recognised Groupe spécialisé of the Swiss Physiotherapy Association and is committed to high quality treatment.

  • ErfahrungsMedizinisches Register EMR

    ErfahrungsMedizinisches Register EMR

    Safety and orientation in empirical medicine

  • ARTHRO Medics

    ARTHRO Medics

    Specialists for shoulder and elbow and sports orthopaedics

  • Lifefitness


    For more than 50 years, Life Fitness has been dedicated to developing innovative fitness solutions for facilities and athletes.